Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back Again!

Well, here we are starting a new school year. So far we only have one student taking Globaloria, but he is doing an excellent job. We are working on adding videos to our blogs, and to tell you the truth, I have forgotten exactly how to do it, so I have to relearn with my student.

I am attaching a video about Globaloria below:

Friday, May 20, 2011


Students are graduating left and right, but one student stands out (in my mind) more than any of the rest. That student is my daughter who just graduated from NYU.

She has worked very hard over the last four years to get to this point. To me, it seems like only yesterday that she graduated from Wheeling Park High School, and now she is an NYU graduate!

The graduation ceremony was held at Yankee Stadium in New York City, and the keynote speaker was President Clinton. It was very cool and exciting! I was very impressed with President Clinton's speaking abilities as well as the content of his speech. My daughter was moved and impressed also.

Next year, my daughter will begin graduate school. Her plan is to move to England and study at Oxford (if she gets accepted) or Cambridge. I am very proud of my daughter!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

End of School Year is Approaching!

I am excited about the upcoming summer vacation. I am leaving for Texas on June 7th, and I will be staying with my father, stepmother, and daughter for nine days! My son and husband will join us for part of that time. Can't wait!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Paper Prototypes

A few of our students have started creating paper protypes, and I am very impressed with their work. One student is using his paper prototype to create scenes. Soon, we will be ready to start animation. To tell the truth, I did not believe we would make it this far ... This is exciting and encouraging.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Creating Games

Many students are finished with their mini-games and are ready to begin creating their own games. Today they are going to begin working on Paper Prototypes. I am excited to see their ideas on paper ...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Moving along ...

Many students are moving along quite well with Globaloria. A couple of students have finished the mini-game, while others are formulating their own games. Alll of the students have been keeping up with blogging and their Learning Logs. I'm a little nervous about starting our own games ... This will be something I need to focus on this summer, so that I am more comfortable with the whole concept.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Looking Forward To The Weekend

I Love Playing The Guitar!

Other than playing my guitar in church, I have no plans for the weekend ... Nice!

I have a million and one things that need to be done around my house, and I'm looking forward to having the time to get caught up on at least half of those things!

Then, I get to play my guitar for the church band, one of my most favorite things in the world to do!

This is one of the songs we will be playing this Sunday at church: